The following videos, website and articles are offered for people to read, understand and share with friends who either back Hillary Rodham #CorporateClinton or are undecided about whom to support during the primaries in 2016. While Senator Sanders refuses to attack his opponents, Bernie has never stated nor implied that his supporters should refrain from taking brass knuckle shots at the neo-liberal hawk leading in the polls by less every week. In other words, “Bernie’s revolution must treat his candidacy as a hostile coup against Hillary and the corporatist party leadership. Clearly a job for Bernie’s revolution and not his campaign, since his campaign must…diplomatically avoid cracking the same eggshell of legitimacy his revolution needs to smash.”

This interview conveys exactly how legal corporate corruption works in the U.S. and specifically worked with Senator Clinton:

Another Resource Website:

Before you consider voting for Hillary Clinton, please take the time to review the information here.


Barack Obama: Hillary Clinton ‘is just like Bush’,”The Telegraph, 1/01/2008.

Hillary Clinton’s Unapologetically Hawkish Record Faces 2016 Test: Burned by Iraq in 2008, but still a strong voice for military action” by Michael Crowley, Time Magazine, 1/14/14.

President Hillary Clinton Would Be Far More Conservative Than You Think,” by H.A. Goodman, Huffington Post, 6/24/2014.

Hillary Clinton Goes to Bat for GMOs at Biotech Conference: The potential presidential candidate’s old industry ties resurface,” by Max Ocean, Common Dreams, 7/03/2014.

Bernie Says Don’t ‘Anoint’ Hawkish Hillary as Nominee,” by Max Ocean, Common Dreams, 8/12/2014.

Hillary Clinton – The Perfect Republican Candidate,” by Farron Cousins, Ring of Fire (video), 8/14/2014.

Run Warren Run Members: Hillary Clinton is ‘Republican Lite, Completely Unacceptable,’ by Ring of Fire staff, 2/03/2015.

Five Reasons No Progressive Should Support Hillary Clinton,” by Joseph Mulkerin, Truthout, 2/13/2015.

Muckety maps show entanglements of Clinton Foundation,” Muckety, 3/22/2015.

Gary Hart: Billion-dollar Clinton campaign should ‘frighten’ Americans,” Politico, 4/05/2o15.

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show,” by Andrew Kaczynski, Buzzfeed, 4/15/2015.

Wall Street owns the Clintons: Why Hillary can’t outrun her husband’s presidency,” by Nomi Prins, Salon, 5/08/2015.

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department,” by David Sirota and Andrew Perez,  International Business Times, 5/26/2015.

Hillary Clinton Helped Sell Weapons To Hostile Nations To Enrich Defense Funders,” by Farron Cousins, Ring of Fire, 5/28/2015.

Secretary Clinton’s TPP claim is verifiably false,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 8/01/2015.

No, Hillary Clinton cannot win over the left,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 8/26/2015.

Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Not Be A Victory for Women,” by Debbie Lusignan, Sane Progressive, 8/31/2015.

Clinton Called For More Debates in 2008; Now She’s Dodging Them: Ducking debate has been a theme in Clinton’s political career,” by Zaid JilaniAlternet, 9/01/2015.

The Racial Justice Failures That Hillary Clinton Can’t Ignore: Clinton’s record is far from stellar,” by Guy Saperstein,Gaius Publius, Alternet, 8/31/2015.


The Clinton campaign puts the ‘moron’ into oxymoron,” by Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 9/12/2015.

Hillary Clinton Is Hiring Mudslingers To Keep Her Own Hands Clean,” by Keith Foote, Liberal America, 9/15/2015.

Clinton, the Asian pivot and everything you need to know about neo-liberalism,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 9/20/2015

Pipeline politics: Clinton on Keystone XL,” by Ali Velshi, Aljazeera, 9/24/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s incomplete timeline on her personal e-mail account,” by Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 9/27/2015.

The Insiders: Nixonian Clinton strikes again,” by Ed Rogers, Washington Post, 9/28/2015. “If you can’t even be honest about how you issue pedantic talking points, what can you be honest about?”

Throwing eggs at Hillary Clinton’s flip flops,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 9/30/2015.

Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As ‘A Business Opportunity’ For US Corporations,” by David Sirota, International Business Times, 9/30/2015.

If Edward Snowden Is Right About Clinton’s Emails, Bernie Sanders Will Win a Landslide Victory,” by H.A. Goodman, Huffington Post, 10/01/2015.

Why No True Democrat Should Support Hillary Clinton,” by Michael Blecher, Op-Ed News, 10/07/2015.

Hillary, Bernie, and the Banks,” by Robert Reich, Common Dreams, 10/09/2015.

Clinton Flip Flops on Gun Control,” by USA Secret History, YouTube

Hillary Clinton’s Big Climate Change Accomplishment Was Actually a Huge Failure,” by Eric Holthous, Mother Jones, 10/14/2015.

6 Signs That Show the New Hillary Is Still the Old Hillary: Speaking like a progressive, but tacking to the center,” by Stephen Rosenfeld, 10/15/2015.

Debate analysis: Bernie’s ingenious move, Hillary’s lie & establishment pundits,” by Victor Tiffany, Progressive Examiner, 10/15/2015.

The worst thing Hillary Clinton has done,” by Ben Norton, Salon, 10/15/2015. “…when it comes to speaking out of both sides of the mouth, Hillary Clinton is a virtuosa.

Hillary vs. Bernie: Here’s What’s Really at Stake,” by Elias Isquith, Alternet, 10/17/2015.

Edward Snowden: Clinton made ‘false claim’ about whistleblower protection,” by Tom McCarthy, the gaurdian, 10/16/2015.

Corporate Media Won’t Tell You Hillary Clinton is a Lying Fascist,” by Jack Bawkwill, Dissident Voice, 10/22/2015.

Forget Benghazi/Real Issue is Hillary Clinton is For/By the Corporations,” by Debbie Lugisnan, Sane Progressive, 10/23/2015.

An Idiotic GOP Is Looking at the Wrong Thing in Its Clinton Probe,” by Robert Sheer, Truthdig, 10/24/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s Failed Libya ‘Doctrine’,”by Robert Perry, Reader Supported News, 10/26/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s claim that DOMA had to be enacted to stop an anti-gay marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution” earned her four Pinocchios, by Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Washington Post, 10/28/2015.

Hillary Clinton Hasn’t Learned a Thing from Iraq,” Media Benjamin, Common Dreams, 10/28/2015.

WATCH: Clinton Throws Out Black Lives Matter Activists During Speech On Race,” Amanda Cirard, U.S. Uncut, 10/30/2015. “Clinton’s removal of Black Lives Matter protesters who interrupted her speech is a far cry from Bernie Sanders’ reaction to a Black Lives Matter interruption. When Sanders was interrupted during a speech in Seattle, Sanders gave the mic to the protesters and allowed them to air the grievances, even as the mostly-white crowd in attendance booed the speakers.”

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton Demands Probe of Exxon After Oil Giant Stops Funding Clinton Foundation,” by David Sirota and Andrew Perez, International Business Times, 10/30/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s misleading claim that ‘numerous surveys’ show veterans are satisfied with VA medical care,” by Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Washington Post, 11/02/2015.

A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would be a Disaster, A Nightmare for Americans,” by Stephen Lendmen, Global Research, 11/02/2015.

The betrayal that should haunt Hillary Clinton: How she sold out working women & then never apologized,” by Daniel Denvir, Salon, 11/02/2015. “Clinton and her partisans are instrumentalizing baseless accusations of sexism to protect a candidate with a sexist and racist policy record.”

A.B. Stoddard: Caught in her own web,”of lies by A.B. Stoddard, The Hill, 11/04/2015. “Clinton said she was transparent, yet her emails were under congressional subpoena for years while she kept her private server a secret. Clinton said she used one device at State for convenience, but she in fact used several. She said her email server was destroyed, but it was not. She said she handed over all work emails to the State Department, but then congressional investigators turned up others. She said she responded to a routine records request from the State Department and turned over her emails when several other secretaries of State did, but State officials were asking for her emails in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and congressional investigations months before that.”

Why Are Bernie Sanders Fans So Angry?” by Michael Blecher, OpEdNews, 11/05/2015. Brilliant, must-read summary of the ways Democratic Party system is rigged toward Hillary Clinton;  it also asks questions like “What about our take on the fact the Clinton camp is calling out Bernie Sanders for being sexist? Should we not only overlook the fact that these claims lack any merit but also ignore the fact the Clintons have yet to take any responsibility for the racist undertones that her campaign displayed when she ran against Obama in 2008?” Blecher presents much more on the sleazy tactics the Clinton camp is undertaking.

Hillary Clinton Is a Garbage Rich Person,” by Matt Bruenig, Matt Bruenig Politics, 11/08/2015. “…building an unimaginable fortune that you then shield from tax so that your rich nepotist kid can be even richer is grounds for legitimate disgust.”

Hillary Clinton’s claim that 90 percent of her emails were ‘in the system’,” by Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 11/9/2015. 3 Pinocchios

How can war-weary Americans possibly vote for Hillary Clinton?” by Damon Linker, The Week, 11/10/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s claim that she tried to join the Marines,” by Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 11/12/2015. 2 Pinocchios

Hillary Clinton: sex, lies and videotape,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 11/12/2015.

Hillary Clinton Was A Top Recipient Of Wall Street Cash Before 9/11 Attacks,” by David Sirota and Andrew Perez, International Business Times, 11/15/2015.

Shaky Foundations: The Clintons’ so-called charitable enterprise has served as a vehicle to launder money and to enrich family friends,” by Ken Silverstein, Harpers, 10/17/2015.

It Will Be Extremely Difficult for Hillary to Say No to Wall Street: Can Clinton simply disregard the industry’s favors to her wealth, political campaigns and foundation?,” by Zaid Jilani, Alternet, 11/18/2015.

Clinton Goes after Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her,” posted on Judicial Watch, 11/18/2015. “They threatened me,” Masada told Judicial Watch. “I have received complains before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”

Hillary Is Already Triangulating Against Liberals: Her new attack on Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care plan shows her indifference to progressive voters,” by Jim Newell, Slate, 11/18/2016.

Clinton Sheds Progressive Façade with Bold Rightward Lurch,” by Sarah Lazare, Common Dreams, 11/19/2015

Clinton’s campaign-finance hypocrisy,” by Lawrence Nobel, Washington Post, 11/20/2015.

In Landmark Speeches, Bernie Makes the Case for Socialism While Hillary Promises War,” by Tom Cahill, USUncut, 11/20/2015.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Opened Her Door to Financial Supporters,” by “Ear to the ground,” Truthdig, 11/30/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s Ghosts: A Legacy of Pushing the Democratic Party to the Right,” by Michael Corcoran, Truthout, 12/02/2015.

Super PACs, Dark Money and the Hillary Clinton Campaign, Part 1,” by Melissa Yeager and Libby Watson, Truthout, 12/05/2015.

Behind the Clinton Campaign: Dark Money Allies, Part 2,”by Melissa Yeager and Libby Watson, Truthout, 12/05/2015.

Climate Judge Hansen “Profiles” Clinton’s Democrat Criminals,” by Patrick Walker, Nation of Change, 12/06/2015.

RAP’s Walker: the corrupt Clinton machine will spell doom for humanity,” by Victor Tiffany, Examiner, 12/06/2015.

Hillary Clinton Is Whitewashing the Financial Catastrophe,” by William Greider, The Nation, 12/11/2015. “ Hillary Clinton sounds like she is assuring old friends and donors in the financial sector that, if she becomes president, she will not come after them.”

The Worst People of 2015,“by Drew Magary, GQ, 12/14/2015. #5? Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Denounces Corporate Crime While Accepting Cash From Blackstone, Firm Sanctioned By SEC,” by David Sirota and Andrew Perez, International Business Times, 12/16/2015.

Whitewashing Hillary–By “Redwashing” Progressive Critics,” by Patrick Walker, Op-Ed News, 12/17/2015.

Clinton, Rubio, Cruz Receive Foreign Policy Advice From Same Consulting Firm,” by Lee Fang, The Intercept, 12/18/2015.

Hillary Clinton Understates Her Wall Street Donations At Democratic Debate,” by Andrew Perez, International Business Times, 12/20/2015.

Edward Snowden: Clinton’s Call for a ‘Manhattan-Like Project’ Is Terrifying,” by Tim Dickinson, Reader Supported News, 12/21/2015.

Hillary Clinton named most corrupt politician of 2015,”USA Politics, 12/25/2015.

Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Islamophobia Campaign Is Nothing but Veiled Opportunism,” by  Roqayah Chamseddine, Alternet, 12/26/2015.

State Department releases more Hillary Clinton emails marked ‘classified’,”by Stephanie Condon, CBS News, 12/31/2015. The “FBI is still probing whether State Department officials improperly included classified material in email correspondence with Clinton.”


Hillary’s Happy Holidays,” by Paul Street, Reader Supported News, 1/03/2016. “Mrs. Clinton…remains an abject, Wall Street-sponsored corporatist beneath carefully constructed fake-progressive rhetoric. She’s still the same old ‘new Democrat’ – a dismal, dollar-drenched servant to concentrated wealth and power – beneath deceptive, populist-mimicking oratory and branding.”

‘Bold, brash and wholly false’: Hillary’s Wall Street reform plan is to misrepresent Sanders’, while falsely claiming her’s is tougher. Nice try” by Eliza A. Webb, Salon, 1/05/2016

Why This Socialist Feminist Is Not Voting for Hillary,” by Liza Featherstone, The Nation, 1/05/2016. “… there are no socialist-feminist reasons to support Hillary Clinton.”

Hillary Clinton Is Not Telling The Truth About Wall Street,” by Zack Carter, Huffington Post, 1/08/2016. “Making things up in order to criticize Sanders proposals that Democrats actually like only damages Clinton’s credibility with Democratic voters.”

Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders on Guns, But Was as a ‘Pro-Gun Churchgoer’ in 2008,” by HA Goodman, Huffington Post, 1/11/2016.

How Hillary Bangs the Drums of War,” by Steve Weismann, Reader Supported News, 1/11/2016.

Clinton misrepresents Sanders on Guns,” by delphine, Daily Kos, 1/11/2016.

Report: FBI expands investigation of Clinton,“by Harper Neidig, The Hill, 1/11/2016.

Hillary Clinton in 2008: “Since When Do Other Democrats Attack One Another on Universal Health Care?”,” by Zaid Julini, The Intercept, 1/12/2016.

What Hillary Knew About Libya,” by Robert Perry, Consortium News, 1/13/2016.

Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Reform Plan Leaves Credit Rating Agencies Untouched,” Truthdig, 1/13/2016.

Rachel Maddow confronts Clinton over Sanders attack: You’re ‘casting aspersions on his character,’” by Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story, 1/14/2016.

Hillary Clinton Is Botching Her Best Chance To Win,” by Jason Linkins and Zach Carter, Huffington Post, 1/15/2016. “Clinton’s gone all the way ’round the bend and has decided to ramp up unnecessary fearmongering, dispatching her daughter to New Hampshire to darkly warn that Sanders is gonna take everyone’s health care away.”

Fourth Debate: Can Clinton Recover from Devastating Debate Loss?,” Justice Gazette, 1/17/2016. “Martin O’Malley…actually accused Hillary of lying and of flip-flopping on the issues.”

Hillary’s No Neocon. She’s Far More Dangerous,“by Steve Weissman, Reader Supported News, 1/18/2016.

Hillary Blames Bernie for an Old Clintonite Hustle, and That’s a Rotten Shame,” by Robert Scheer, Truthdig, 1/20/2016.

Of Course Clinton Has Foreign Policy Experience, But Her Experience Has Been a Total Disaster,”by Adam Johnson, Alternet, 1/20/2016.

Hillary Clinton Declares War on Single-Payer Health Care,” by Michael Corcoran, Truthout, 1/21/2016.

Hillary Clinton and the Northern Strategy,” by Steve Hendricks, Counterpunch, 1/22/2016. “She bills herself a champion of Main Street over Wall Street, but she has been a lackey of Wall Street her entire political life.”

Hillary in Blackface: The Blaxploitation Politics of Identity Democrats,” by Patrick Walker, Nation of Change, 1/24/2016.

How Hillary Tells Us She Won’t Fight Wall Street,” by Steve Weismann, Reader Supported News, 1/25/2016.

Clinton’s email excuses are falling apart,” by Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Posts, 1/26/2016.

Author: admin

I am the creative director at IGRAPHI and an award winning designer and web developer with 20 years of experience conceiving and implementing design and technical solutions across traditional, digital, and social media platforms to effectively engage target audiences with clients’ messages and products. Built and managed brands from the ground up, worn every hat on the rack, one brand at a time.

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