Hope by now you have learned to never start work without a written contract, but it’s hard to like contracts. They’re impossible to read, long and boring and you just can’t wait to sign that piece of paper to get it done and get to the real work. Well this post is here to help.
Contracts are pretty important in a designer’s career, and despite your apprehensions with legal documents, it’s worth getting into some specific details that can make a huge difference in practice. On a legal standpoint, these are rights that every freelance designer should try not to give away by waiver or assignment.
This won’t always be possible, but remember that every "no" you get from a client can be used as leverage to convince them to pay more for your design work. Here’s what you should look out for.


Author: admin

I am the creative director at IGRAPHI and an award winning designer and web developer with 20 years of experience conceiving and implementing design and technical solutions across traditional, digital, and social media platforms to effectively engage target audiences with clients’ messages and products. Built and managed brands from the ground up, worn every hat on the rack, one brand at a time.

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