Only with the heart can one see rightly because what is essential is invisible to the eye.

The words of French novelist Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; because what is essential is invisible to the eye,” encapsulate a profound truth about life. It speaks to the need to look beyond physical appearances and delve into what lies beneath in order to truly understand the reality of any given situation. We often judge each other based on superficial aspects such as race, gender, or social class rather than looking beyond these factors and examining someone’s character.

One example of this can be seen in the story of Nelson Mandela, who was jailed for nearly three decades in South Africa due to his racial beliefs but nonetheless held onto a strong sense of dignity and determination even while behind bars. As Mandela himself said: “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love… For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” By looking past physical appearances and recognizing the inner spirit of a person, we are able to identify qualities that go beyond skin deep.

We also must look beyond what we see with our eyes when it comes to judging our own selves. Society constantly bombards us with images that suggest certain physical standards which we should strive towards; however these standards are often unrealistic and unachievable. In this case it is important for us to look inward at our core values and strengths which cannot be seen through physical appearance but instead by evaluating mindfully our positive attributes such as kindness, resilience, courage or empathy. 

In conclusion, it is vital that we embrace Saint-Exupery’s words and remember that what lies beneath is often more important than what meets the eye when it comes both judging others as well as ourselves. By embracing this truth and being mindful of people’s inner beauty as opposed solely relying on superficial aspects when forming opinions about anyone and anything we come across in life will allow us cultivate greater understanding with others in a way that goes far deeper than surface level interactions ever could.

Author: admin

I am the creative director at IGRAPHI and an award winning designer and web developer with 20 years of experience conceiving and implementing design and technical solutions across traditional, digital, and social media platforms to effectively engage target audiences with clients’ messages and products. Built and managed brands from the ground up, worn every hat on the rack, one brand at a time.

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